Game Engine Project (It Begins!)

See that? That's ¥156,789 down the drain.

I mean, that's my new computer and my new desk! (Also, if you look closely, you can see my space-saving strategy: my futon bed rolled out beneath the desk. I now sleep under my desk every night.)

Why did I spend ~$1,900? Because I'm crazy.  Because I have a plan!

I want to start writing my own game engine. I've recently been reading Jason Gregory's Game Engine Architecture book, and it made me want to have the experience of writing all these systems myself.

While it may take a few years, I'm going to start doing just that, in my spare time.  I wanted to write for code to run on a game console, but the closest thing I have is this iPad, so I bought a new mac computer. (My previous one is about 5 years old, the first Intel mac.) I also spent $100 on an iOS developer license, so now we're up over $2,000.

If you want to follow along with my progress, bookmark this link. I'll try to post on here somewhat frequently about how the project is going, but it will be slow, especially while I'm still taking masters classes part time in Japanese, and working full time.  But maybe in summer the pace will pick up a bit.